German Videos - Discover Germany German Videos - Discover Germany
June 13, 2015

German Videos


All the videos presented by Discover GERMANY are providing information and German cultural awareness in PAKISTAN. These videos do not belong to Discover GERMANY. These videos belong to their respective companies.

Video 90 – Tagesablauf – Daily Routine Work

Video 89 – German Advertisements 

Video 88 – Movie Clip in German Language

Video 87 – Discover GERMANY, German Language Institute Intro Clip

Video 86 – Wie alt ist …….? (How old is ………?)

Video 85 – Wie heißt du? (What is your Name?)

Video 84 – Wie spät ist es? (What is the Time?)

Video 83 – Haben Sie ein Zimmer frei? (Do you have a free Room?)

Video 82 – Im Urlaub fahren (Going to the Vacations)

Video 81 – Ins Einkaufszentrum fahren? (Going to the Shopping Center)

Video 80 – Was sind deine Hobbys? (What are your Hobbies?)

Video 79 – Wer kommt mit? (Who is coming along?)

Video 78 – Michael ist krank (Michael is sick)

Video 77 – Meine neue Wohnung (My new Apartment)

Video 76 – die Monate (The Months)

Video 75 – Die Wochentage (Days of the Week)

Video 74 – Eine Party feiern (Celebrating a Party)

Video 73 – Ich bin gekommen (I have come)

Video 72 – Das Geld abholen (To collect the Money)
Video 71 – Für wen ist der Hut (For whom is the Hat?)
Video 70 – Was kostet… (What is the cost of)
Video 69 – Am Apparat (On the Device)
Video 68 – Bitte, wo ist …….. (Please, where is)
Video 67 – Beim Frühstück (At the Breakfast)
Video 66 – Angst vor Telefon (Fear of Telephone)
Video 65 – Die Berufe (The Professions)
Video 64 – Der Tagesablauf (Daily Routine-Work)  
Video 63 – Der Lieblingssport (Favorite Sport)
Video 62 – Viel zu erledigen (A lot to do)
Video 61 – In Ferien (In Holidays)
Video 60 – Motivation Over Fear
Video 59 – Job Interview
Video 58 – Ein Interview (An Interview)
Video 57 – Ich habe…… (I have…….)
Video 56 – Fight Against Start Deutsch A-1
Video 55 – Wie hoch ist die Miete? (What is the rent?)
Video 54 – Praying for German Exam Start Deutsch A – 1
Video 53 – Anfangen (Start, begin)
Video 52 – Running from Start Deutsch A1 Exam
Video 51 – Das bin ich (There I am)
Video 50 – die Familie (Family)
Video 49 – Wie schreibt man das? (How will one write that?)
Video 48 – Die Richtung (Direction) 
Video 47 – Eine Grillparty – A Barbeque Party

Video 46 – Discovering Austria

Video 45 – Ordering Meal

Video 44 – Berlin at a Glance
Video 43 – Das Vorstellungsgespräch – Job Interview
Video 42 – Eine freie Wohnung – An available Apartment
Video 41 – Innovative Learning
Video 40 – German Movie BANKLADY (Trailer)
Video 39 – Greetings
Video 38 – Johannes Gutenberg University (Mainz)
Video 37 – Muslim Life in Germany
Video 36 – Sonne Lifestyle Resort (Bregenzerwald)
Video 35 – German Magician Alana
Video 34 – Ich hätte gern (I would like to have)
Video 33 – FIFA WC 2014 Celebration
Video 32 – German Football Profile
Video 31 – Open Mosque Day in Germany
Video 30 – Ramadan Kareem in Germany
Video 29 – Vocational Training in Germany
Video 28 – Exploring Cologne and Black Forest Part 1
Video 28 – Exploring Cologne and Black Forest Part 2
Video 27 – in Ruhe
Video 26 – Exploring Munich Part 1
Video 26 – Exploring Munich Part 2
Video 25 – FIFA WC Footballs
Video 24 – FIFA WC German Football Starting
Video 23 A – Ein Interview 
Video 23 B – Der herrliche, schöne und warme Sommer 
Video 22 – Discover Cologne (Köln) 
Video 21 – Heidi’s Life in Berlin 
Video 20 – Discovering Potsdam Palace 
Video 19 – Discover GERMANY Intro 
Video 18 – Discover GERMANY Intro 
Video 17 – Die passnummer – The Passport Number 
Video 16 – Was machen Sie am Wochenende? – What you do on Weekend? 
Video 15 – Was machen Sie heuthe Abend? 
Video 14 – Die Zahlen – Counting 
Video 13 – Useful Phrases 
Video 12 – Zum Postamt – to / at Post Office
Video 11 – Die Farben – Colours 
Video 10 – Im Hotel – At the Hotel 
Video 09 – German Alphabets 
Video 08 – Discovering Schönbrunn Palace 
Video 07 – Weiter Reisen – Travel Onwards 
Video 06 – Wohin wollen Sie fahren? – Where do you want to drive? 
Video 05 – Bavarian Dance @ Shopping Mall 
Video 04 – Parkplatz oder Spielplatz (Parking Spot or Playground) 
Video 03 – Einkaufen (Shopping) 
Video 02 – Introducing Yourself 
Video 01 – GERMANY @ Glance